2023 02 21

Today at the metro train I spotted a grandmother with 4 grand children. All under the age of 5. She quickly tried to find the kids seats. She got them to sit. She stood. The kids did offer her to take their place. But she was like "no you all sit comfortably" and she kept standing. The beauty of the moment can only be appreciated by those who understand these same kids in a few years won't remember this aspect of their grandmother and only be irritated to talk to them.

I remember the many mini-sacrifices my grand parents and my parents did for my brother and me. I miss those times. I wish, while I was a teenager, I was more closer to them and hung out with them more. But somehow, at that age, I preferred to hang out more with my friends, play a lot of computer games and in general be anti-social with parents/grandparents.

I was reminded today of my fond memories of my time spent with my maternal grandparents. All the stupid things we would do. And how they would act our age to be with us. I would give anything, to go back to the 1990s to those summer vacations spent completely with grandparents. It was the highlight of my growing up years.